Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Another story about Fernie!!!

I know that everybody is going to talk about the sky trip to Fernie today, but I don’t care. It’s was one of the most interesting, amazing trips in my live..!! The hotel was beautiful, from some room during the day, you could see the mountains, the pines and the snow on them, the people skiing and much more.

On Thursday night after we arrived, we went to Eugenio’s room to dance and drink. We spend the entire night over there. The next day I couldn’t weak up early…I was very tired, but after a few minutes I did it. That day I received my lessons for beginners (snowboarding). It was very fun, I felt down hundred times and at the end of the afternoon I couldn’t felt my body. For that reason I decided to spend the rest of the afternoon at the hot tub. Then I went to the San Patrick Party with my friends. The party was Ok..!! I didn’t like the music, but when they change it, I have lived the party =(

The last day, Saturday, I also weak up late for the check out.. I took a shower quickly and I run to leave my suitcase in the lobby. At that time nobody were there.. all the students were already skiing. That day I went to one of the hills alone and it’s was the worst thing I could do.. I almost die.. But I survived =) I’m so happy for that!! I really enjoy a lot this trip ..I would like to go back.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The visit of my Venezuelans friends… They came to Calgary..!!!

Two weeks ago, two friends came to Calgary for job. They work for an international company called CGG veritas. That company sent them here to learn how to use special software. They are geophysical engineers too, they studied whit my boyfriend at the university. We went out all the week because one of my friends (Patricia) loves to dance. We went to different nightclubs, the first one was Don Quijote, was awesome!! They have a Latin group, they sang the whole night in Spanish. The guy who plays the bongos was from Venezuela, I spend all night talking and dancing with him. We also went to Fantino, in that place we met a salsa instructor form Cuba, he can dance very well...he is fantastic. He was there with his academy students!! The others two place that we visited were Reagle Beagle and The Whisky. In those places we ate and drank a lot!!! They are very cheap, 25 cents for each beer and ribs!!

I really enjoyed a lot those weeks.. Now I am just hoping that my friends return the next Monday.. =)