Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The visit of my Venezuelans friends… They came to Calgary..!!!

Two weeks ago, two friends came to Calgary for job. They work for an international company called CGG veritas. That company sent them here to learn how to use special software. They are geophysical engineers too, they studied whit my boyfriend at the university. We went out all the week because one of my friends (Patricia) loves to dance. We went to different nightclubs, the first one was Don Quijote, was awesome!! They have a Latin group, they sang the whole night in Spanish. The guy who plays the bongos was from Venezuela, I spend all night talking and dancing with him. We also went to Fantino, in that place we met a salsa instructor form Cuba, he can dance very well...he is fantastic. He was there with his academy students!! The others two place that we visited were Reagle Beagle and The Whisky. In those places we ate and drank a lot!!! They are very cheap, 25 cents for each beer and ribs!!

I really enjoyed a lot those weeks.. Now I am just hoping that my friends return the next Monday.. =)

1 comment:

Kristi said...

That's so awesome Sary! How wonderful for you to have some familiar faces!!! It looks and sounds like you guys had a blast...