Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My Work in Venezuela..!! Teacher Assistant!!

I am a teacher assistant in the subject Field Geology & Geophysics. In that subject we have a field trip for a month. All the students are hosted in a small town and in a very ugly house. The house does not have electricity, water or beds and the students always sleep on the floor. They can’t eat a lot, only one time per day ( breakfast) because they have to work a lot, from 5am to 12pm and they do not have enough time to do anything other than learn or study.

As an advanced student of geophysical engineering, my job is to teach how to use the basic geological tools (compass, rock color chart, Comparator grain size, and maps) necessary to carry out geological reconnaissance and mapping). I also teach the use of the principal geophysical methods (refraction seismic, electrical surveys, electrical tomography, and GPS) in some areas of geological interest. As an assistant I am responsible for the logistics of the field training, I have to plan the field visits for 25 students over 22 days including all necessary arrangements for the proper functioning of a site-training course.


gron83 said...

Hey Sary, that's a really hard work! You were living in a bad conditions, but if you liked that's what it matters. Probably the in a few months you will be at the north of Canada doing that but, with a different weather hahaha!

JINO said...

I have similar experience like you.
3 years ago. I went to the Philippines to build church. Because church didn't have roof.
But, they worshiped happily. I helped them but they also helped me because I learned manythings by them.

Vitor said...

Hey, that is so cool!

This remind me a very good time in
university. We also have a lot of fiend work. One time i carry like 15 kg of soil sample.... than my friend lost the codes and we had to start over...

big kiss

Marcia said...

Hi Sary,
In Brazil we have a similar project, it is called Projeto Rondon.
A lot of work and hard experience.
Anyway people love.

Kristi said...

That's amazing! I can't imagine eating once a day. I don't know how the students can learn under such conditions. You must be an awesome teacher!!!